
Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturie montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur ullamcorper id ultricies nisi.

1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Our Services


Whether you have an acute or chronic injury, or simply have pain and aren’t sure where to start – Physio is the right place for you. You can expect the following from your appointment.

  • A detailed conversation and history of your concerns
  • Physical assessment (please wear appropriate clothes to expose the area)
  • Range of motion and strength testing using the latest technology
  • Discussion around the proposed diagnosis, rehab time frames and plan B
  • Hands on treatment if required (in 60 min appointment)
  • Taught initial exercises for home (in 60 min appointment)

Whether its muscular, a joint, neural (pins and needles/numbness) we have the skillset to make you feel better!

Pre/Post Operative Rehab

Surgery can be an extremely daunting time for clients but taking time to find the right surgeon and the right physio can make all the difference in your outcome.

Our clients can receive a full rehab program from their first session which outlines the specific outcomes and goals of each stage. We do this by using accurate data from the latest technology and brilliant gym equipment. If necessary, we can also compare these results to standardised data to ensure a safe return to activity. Your rehab can also be incorporated with our weekly programming service so we ensure to keep you moving as much as possible.

Running MOT

Running is one of the most accessible forms of exercise on the planet. A common thought pattern for people is to run to get fit, we like to challenge that and get people fit to run!

During the MOT you can expect:

  • Detailed training and injury history
  • Assessment of footwear, individual joint range/strength and running biomechanics
  • Treadmill gait analysis with details logged in an app for easy reassessment
  • Bespoke exercise program to correct any imbalances

Once you have your program, we can send you off for a period of strengthening, come back and reassess on the treadmill to gauge improvement. So, if you’re just starting out or a semi pro this MOT is for any runner. Watch our Instagram stories for a closer look!

Weight Lifting MOT

Olympic weight lifting movements and the primary compound lifts like squats and deadlifts are some of the most challenging exercises people undertake. The goal of this assessment is to make sure you’re balanced across all the areas you need to be able to perform these movements well.

During the assessment you can expect the following:

  • Detailed training and injury/niggle history
  • Ankle, hip, shoulder and spinal range of motion and strength testing
  • Core strength testing
  • Force plate testing for your squat and upper limb strength

From this we can create a dedicated accessory, warm up and warm down routine for you. The session is perfect for anyone looking to improve their form, break through a plateau or increase their performance. Watch our Instagram stories for a closer look!

Performance Profiling

Measure, don’t guess. That is our motto. In a performance profiling session we use VALD technology including force decks, force frame, nord board and dynamometer. These pieces of kit measure a range of metrics that then gets stored on the app where we can compare results in the immediate session as well as to previous scores to check progress. From here we can more specifically inform your rehab programs. These pieces of kit are extremely adaptive as well so we can do profiling for any sport or activity.

Dry Needling

Dry needling is a similar treatment option to acupuncture but is based on Western medical principles when acupuncture is Eastern. Using the same needles, we place them in muscles where we can feel the most tension with the goal of easing this. Whilst it can be uncomfortable the results are often superior to massage and don’t require as much pain to achieve. The process of inserting needles also comes with a bunch of systemic health benefits like hormone release.

Focussed Shockwave

Shockwave is a brilliant modality that helps reduce chronic symptoms like tendinopathies or stress fractures. The machine sends tiny force waves into the tissue that essential stimulate an improved healing process. We use a focussed shockwave machine that clients often find more comfortable than the more common radial machine and yields better results hence a higher price point. Treatment takes about 15 minutes, and you have one session per week for 3-6 weeks.

Weekly Exercise Prescription

The final stages of rehabilitation for performance, or even the transition between Physio rehab and Fitness goals, ie. PT can often get blurred and leave patients confused on what to do. We fix this issue by programming you weekly with a mix of your rehab, and normal exercise routine.

By recording your data on the app, we can track your achievements, read and comment on any feedback provided and then alter the program for the coming week. It includes a small weekly fee but could save you a lot of time and money in physio sessions themselves.

Sports Massage

Sports massage is the dedicated release of soft tissues to help alleviate specific symptoms, restore normal tissue function, and helps improve athletic performance. We strive to ensure you can walk away with as much relief as possible but not breaking you in the process. Our therapists use a range of techniques as well including cupping to get you feeling your best.

Services - TMJ & Headache Physio

TMJ & Headache Physio

Headaches and jaw pain are an extremely common problem but quite often people don’t realise that physio can play a big role in helping symptoms! We need our jaws for important daily functions such as eating, talking and yawning. Related symptoms that can often also be helped are tinnitus (ringing in your ears) and headaches/migraines.
The types of headaches we can help with include Tension type, Cluster and migraines, and related conditions such as syncope, central sleep apnoea, and Post Concussion Syndrome. After a full assessment to confirm this is also the cause of YOUR symptoms, treatment involves safe, non-manipulative (no cracking!) manual therapy to the upper neck or jaw and soft tissue release which may be combined with dry needling. You will also be given some exercises and lifestyle/posture advice to compliment the clinic treatment sessions and self manage at home.

Book a Session

Book a physio or massage appointment in our Soho or Liverpool Street clinic.

Frequenty Asked Questions

What should I expect from physio?

We start with a conversation about your concerns and gather as much information as we feel necessary. We will then do a physical examination of the problem area and related areas. Once we feel we have a good idea of what is happening we will explain the provisional diagnosis, the time frame around this and then what plan B is. For 1hr initials you will receive some treatment and then if needed a rehab plan for home and a follow up session booked to review this progress. Depending on your problem treatment can vary a lot.

What should I wear?

Wear something that can be removed to the expose the area of concern: ie. shorts for a knee problem. We can use towels where needed to drape and cover areas we don’t need to see. Please also bring any necessary footwear related to the problem: ie. lifting shoes or runners.

How do I pay?

Payment is made with a portable machine directly to the therapist and is required on the day and online bookings are paid for in advance. For insurance we most often will direct bill them if we have your details, but we only partner with select providers so get in touch to confirm if we can.

Will I need to bring gym clothes?

If part of your concern on the initial is related to a gym exercise, please do bring these. The therapist will instruct you for follow up sessions if this is necessary.

Are showers available?

Yes, we have fully stocked change rooms with towels and beauty products on site. Sweat towels and water taps are also provided.

What is the cancellation policy?

We require 24hrs notice prior to the appointment to cancel or reschedule. If you fail to provide this notice or turn up to your appointment you will be charged the full cost of the session. Insurance providers will not pay for any missed sessions either and as the client are liable to pay the fee.

Can I bring a friend/chaperone?

If you have a sensitive subject to discuss or would like support during you are more than welcome to bring a chaperone along.